Sunday, May 17, 2015


Vianor Pachulia in his book 'Fall of Anakopia' (Moscow, Nauka, 1986, although in fact it's a re-print from earlier sources) tells the following Abkhazian legend:

'...Where they came from, no one remember already, perhaps except for the ancienctest olmen... Once upon a time, long ago, there lived Abkhazians in a far land called Mysyr, which today is called Egypt. It was inhabited by white people, who were neihgboured by black people in Abassia...'. 

This is followed by an account of a war against the black people, in result of which Abkhazians had to flee northwards till they reached Abkhazia. The full text is here: 

Let's pay attention to two things in this story. First, it's a confirmation of Herodotus' account of pharaoh Sesostris' warriors settling in Kolchida on their way back to Egypt from a European campaign, whicjh enabled Herodotus to draw certain parallels between Kolchians and Egyptians. We would help Herodotus by throwing in the maps of Ptolemy that show in Nubia (Sudan) an ancient place with a perfect Kartvelian structure and self-explanatory root - Sacolcha. And second, the legend stops being such once we look at the word 'Abkhaz' from already suggested point of view:

Abkhazia = Apkhazeti - A Phaseti = The Treasure Land (ფასი=скарб). 

In other words, Abkhazia is a purely Kartvelian (Megrelian, Georgian) word that has nothing to do with those who call themselves 'Abkhazians' today, being in fact something quite different. Namely, a North Caucasian Adygian-speaking tribe Apsni.

There is a third interesting thing to pay attention to. The above link honestly says: 'Legend on Abkhaz Origin'. While the Pachulia's book mentions the same chapter differently: 'Where the Apsny people came from'. 

Apsny are not Abkhazians. True Abkhazians are Kartvelians, which is Kolchians, Megrelians, Laz or Georgians. The name 'Abkhazians' was stolen from true Abkhazians by those who have nothing to do with Georgian Abkhazia.

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