Thursday, February 13, 2014


Difficult but rewarding. Follow closely:

In the book of Sulhan-Saba Orbeliani სიბრძნე სიცრუისა you will find the following interesting word: დათვმან

Whether it is an ergative pronoun MAN or ergative case archaic ending -MAN, or anything else, is hard to say. But the word 'datvman' exists. It's obvious.

If we have 'datvman' which is derived from Kartvelian 'datvi' (a bear), isn't the word GERMAN a similar derivation from Kartvelian (or, more exactly, Megrelian) 'geri' (a wolf)? How about that?

And don't forget that one of Odin's two wolves bore exactly the name of GERI...

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