Sunday, September 1, 2013


As it already has been said, თრაკი [thraki] in Kartvelian means 'buttocks'. Correspondingly, თრაკიაი [thrakiai] in Svan is 'a full-bodied, husky person':

Literally, thrakiai is 'big-assed person'.

And now read this:

"...Thracians... had a tendency to put on flesh...".

And finally, remember the name of the allegedly Gaul tribe that came into Anatolia from Thracia in III century b.C. and bore a name of TOLISTOBOGII.

Tolistobogii is very similar to Russian толстобокие [tolstobokie] meaning 'fat-sided (people)'. Compare them to the tribe of Costoboci (костобокие) placed by Ptolemy in Romania in I century and translated from Russian as 'slim-sided (people)'. 

If it makes sense, then we have evidences of Slav words 1200 years prior to the first Slav language stone inscription found in Bulgaria.

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