Sunday, May 17, 2015


Once again:

1. To analyse the name, we should take the name of the country, not of the natin: Etruria. The word shows at least three Kartvelian morphemes: the final 'a' (definite article), the preceding 'i (nominative case ending), and Kartvelian trademark adjective ur-suffix. The root is 'etr'.

2. As to the 'schi'-suffix, it's the 'skii' (แƒกแƒ™แƒ˜แƒ˜) word which is present in Kajaia's dictionary in the meaning of 'son'. Its meaning later shifted towards more general possessiveness. Thus, 'Etruschi' actually is 'Etrian'.

3. Why do we analyse Italian words from Kartvelian point of view? Because Karvelian presence on the penincula is abundant.

1 comment:

  1. • Lore [old town] Part of Kingdom of Georgia, now in Armenia.
    • Loria – City in Italy.
