Sunday, September 21, 2014


Since we assume 'te-' may be the ancient Megrelian article (or, at least, the demonstrative pronoun, which it is), the name 'Tibareni' may be interpreted as 'Te-Ibareni', i.e., 'The Ibareni', which is 'The Iberians'.


  1. What about
    Elam and ლამი - sand
    სპარსი and სპა - soldier, army
    Babylon and ბაბილო
    Sinai - სინა
    შუამდინარე and SUMER


  2. Elam is likely to be ELI + AM
    Sparsi - I agree
    Babylon could be but for it's speeled through ypsilon
    Sinai - interesting
    As for Sumer, I don't like the topic

  3. შუმერი (Sumer) შუა - in the middle of
    while შუამდინარე is Mesopotamia
    and ერი probably nation


    Kartli-Kaldi ქართლი-ქალდი-ქართი
    ქართველი - ქალდეველი (Khaldians of Urartu c. 800 BC and Chaldeans of the south, also Theme Chaldia of Greeks

    ქალდეველი, ქალ - დეველი or ქალდ - დეველი woman follower or Khald follower

    Khalid was deity in Urartu

    compare Russian kaldun

    Herodotus describes Magi as a priest cast and compares to the Egyptian one.

    Magi - მოგვი were from Chaldea, Herodotus puts them in Medea.

    მოგვი means high end boots and people in the ancient world

    1. Although I have etymology for Chaldeans of my own, this chain looks worthy.

  4. Lets get back to Elam for a second.

    ელამი - on the other hand, means a person who looks in different ways, whose eyes look in different directions (so called Strabismus condition).

    If you are ელამი you see objects in different ways

    Elam has a hot desert climate

    compare this phenomenon to Mirage

    1. Morphologically 'elami' consists of a root 'eli' (the same as in 'elva' with general meaning of 'god') and a Megrelian trademark adjective suffix '-am'. So, the translation would be ''god-like'. Which does not contradict to what you have said. Even more exciting: now we may know what God watches like.
