Thursday, February 13, 2014


Oman's capital represents a clear evidence of what is going on with world's etymology.

The city's etymology is unclear:,_Oman

The only thing we can be sure of is that Ptolemy called it MOSCHA PORTUS.

Then we see the Laz toponymic suffix -AT, which means the following:

MUSCAT = MOSCHAT = land of Moschi

Moschi (Mushki) are allegedly a Kartvelian nation identified as modern Meskhetians. If so, then


The same root, the same suffix.

Those who doubt as to Kartvelian presence in Arabia, should remember that 'Arabia' itself seems to be a Kartvelian word. Besides, the Arabian lands are overwhelmed with toponyms that have been preserved in Georgian surnames. There is a separate entry on that in this blog.

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