Tuesday, February 25, 2014

AMIRANI magazine

That's cool...

You should know that people from AMIRANI magazine suggested me to write an article. When I did so, the editorial refused to publish it. That made me write a brutal letter to the editor. Surprisingly, it worked, and now you have a chance to read my article THE MYSTERIOUS LUBES (as well as the whole story) here:


Sorry for the brutality, but you won't be able to break it through otherwise... გაუმარჯოს საწართველოს და სლავა გეროიამ!


  1. Compare Chalybes and a metallurgical device called ყალიბი

  2. It's a derivation. First, it was borrowed by Greeks from Laz, and then reborrowed back by Georgians.

  3. Perhaps Chalybes comes in fact from the word ყალიბი which means a 'mold' and ჩამო-ყალიბება would be 'casting' .

    Now there are so many molds found that the History Museum opened a new hall for that.

    After seen that, molds were made mostly from stone, and they were so simple and easy, that I even thought doing for myself.

  4. Again, you disregard the ypsilon problem.
