Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The first true attestation of the ethnonym LUBI which is the key point of this research, is the same Primary Chronicle (Повесть временних лет) where it is CLEARLY mentioned as


The soft sign Ь is considered to be the reduced version of the [i] sound. This gives us the right to transcribe ЛЮБЬ as

Please note, that in Russian transcription of the Primary Chronicle the word ЛЮБЬ is interpreted for some weird reason as ЛИВЬ.

For those who missed the LUBI point, here we go once again: LUBI is the key Kartvelian-speaking never-mentioned-before nation that lived all over the ancient world, in particular, in Britain, in Spain, in France, in Germany, in Poland, in Croatia, in Italy, in Ukraine, in Albania, in Libya, in Lebanon, in Russia, and in Turkey.

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