Sunday, November 3, 2013


The name of Kiev may have nothing to do with the popularly accepted 'official' version of being a derivation from some male's name of Kiy.

In Arab sources the city is named as Kuyaba:

The opposition of KU to KI very likely is the result of misreading the Greek ypsylon, as it had been done many many times throughout history, mangling huge amount of historical truths. Once again, in Ancient Greek the ypsylon (Y (capital)/u (small)) was pronounced as [u], while in Latin it was misinterpreted as [i].

So, if you encounter the U-I opposition, be sure, the U-variant is true.

So, Kuyaba has much more reasons to be the true name of the city, than Kiev.

Now, let's have a look at Kiev's ancientest and famousest sites. No doubt, it's Pecherska Lavra (Cave Convent). In fact, all Kiev used to be based (and obviously, is still based) on a huge system of caves, which are 250 in number and are stretched, they say, even to Chernigiv. So, when the city was not the city but just a site, no doubts in was known popularly as 'cave site'. The word 'cave' in site's name would seem quite natural in such case.

In Spanish 'cave' is 'cueva' [koo-eh-vah]. In case of the above mentioned misreading of the Y/u, we have a total right to assume at some point it might have started to sound as [kee-eh-vah], which is scaringly close to Kiev [kee-eh-v].

If you wonder, what Spanish language has to do with the Ukrainian capital's name, be aware, that the Spanish word 'cueva' comes from the Kartvelian non-IE word 'kuabi' (again, compare it to Kuyaba). While Ukraine, in its turn, seems to have been an arena for exciting pre-historic Kartvelian-world events, having more than a plenty of Kartvelian toponyms as well as traces of Kartvelian signs in Ukrainian language. You will find all of them in this blog:

So, to sum it up, Kiev = Kuyaba = Kuabi = The Cave = another solid evidence of Kartvelian past of Ukraine.

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