Friday, October 25, 2013


Another place where we suddenly stumple upon the mysterious 'A' definite article (it is such in Phonecian language and in Hebrew), is Anatolia. Stop looking for the meaning of 'anatol' root. Try better 'natol', since on this map of Visscher the region is mentioned as 'Natolia':

Where's the 'a'? It's not needed, because the ancient people knew exactly that the land was called 'Natolia', not 'Anatolia'. "Anatolia' literally translates as 'the Natolia'.

Then what does the 'natol' mean? Whatever it means, it has high chances of being related no Kartvelian 'natli' meaning 'light'.

And you do remember why we need that 'A'-article stuff, right? It opens for us the gates to 'Lub'-mystery.

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