Friday, August 9, 2013


Names of both Spanish tribes on the map of Ptolemy contain Kartvelian suffixes.

Turdetani contains two: -ani (a suffix of adjective) and -et (a toponymic suffix).

Turduli contains -ul (a suffix of adjective).

Both words are derived from the root 'turd', while Turdeti seems to be the 'land of turdi'. Given that Turdetani are localed on Betis (which is the land of Tartessos/Tarteti), we may assume that 'turdi' is the mangled 'tarti' (sturgeon in Kartvelian). The hypothesis is supported by the fact that Turduli are located on another traditionally sturgeon-full river of Guadiana.

So, if the above make sense, there is no Tartessos, Turdetani, Turduli, Turdeti. There are only Tarteti (land of sturgeon), Tartuli (adjective related to sturgeon) and Tartetani (adjective related to land of sturgeon).

                                          The Land of Turdetani. Photo of Kartvelian History & Language Research Center

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