Friday, August 9, 2013


One of the very few cities that didn't cave in to Alexander the Great, was called Termessos, modern Southern Turkey.

The same formula -os=-i; -ss=-t gives us a reliable equation:

Termessos = Termeti

In Kartvelian Termeti means 'land of termi'. The root 'term' may come from თერმია [termia] or თერმუზი [termuzi] meaning lupinus. The plant was not only considered edible, but also the source for coffee-like drink. In other words, a plant important enough to call a land after it. The more so as the Turkey's Aegean coast is exactly the natural habitat of lupinus:

Spain has its own 'Termeti' too. It's the ancient city of Thermeda, modern Trillo near Guadalajara.

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