Tuesday, August 13, 2013


In ancient Greek colony of Olvia (near Ukrainian Mikolaiv) there are many marmor inscriptions, mostly dedications to Gods. Among them there are these two:

Πουρφακης Σωμαχου – Pourfakes Somahov
Ραοδμηος Κολχου – Raodmeos Kolhov

Raodmeos Kolhov is remarkable for witnessing a presence of a Georgian from Kolheti. But Pourfakes Somahov is much more interesting a case.

The word 'Somah' does not exist in Greek dictionaries. Bit it does in Kartvelian ones, where it means 'Armenian' (სომეხი [somehi]).

The same inscription enlists another person - Σωμαχος Σαναγου (Somahos Sanagov). If we assume that Somahos and Somahov indeed relate to Armenians, then we can check it via Sanagov: Sanagian is a popular Armenian surname, which is present in Google 3500 times.

So, there are no reasons for doubts: Pourfakes Somahov and Somahos Sanagov were Armenians who lived in ancient Ukraine, and who were called by the local Greeks - attention! - with a Kartvelian word of 'Somehi'.

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