Saturday, August 31, 2013


After figuring out the Cha-/Ha-/A- secret and taking into account that those in fact are definite articles, we can decipher the ancient toponym of Hanaan.

HANAAN = HA NAAN (Phoenician) = THE NAAN (English) = AL NAAN (Arabic)

And, given that in Egyptian sources the country used to be referred to as KA-NA-NA...:
"...sources of the Egyptian New Kingdom mention numerous military campaigns conducted in Ka-na-na...".

...we main continue the equation as HA NAAN = HA NANA = THE NANA.

Nana in Megrelian is mother, from which is very close to Motherland. In fact, the Phoenicians might call their native land (Hanaan) THE MOTHER (Ha Nana). And it is very likely, given that in Arabic Lebanon (ancient Hanaan) is called Lubnan, that contains the Lub-root, with which the Greeks identify the Laz people (Kartvelians).

Besides, if HA NAAN = AL NAAN, then you understand why the Israeli kibbutz of Na'an located near Rehovot (which is, in Hanaan) used to be called... AL NA'ANI:'an

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