Historians undoubtedly equal the nation of 'Eneti' to the nationm of 'Veneti'. But no one says that it is possible only due to the phenomenon in Svan (and further, Ukrainian) language of adding the starting 'v' to the words beginning with a vowel: otahi-votahi, ojahi-vojahi, etc. It's been told in the book Between Two Iberias.
Now there is no necessity to look for the 'ven'-root in Veneti, because there is no such. It's Eneti, which, in its turn, is a name of a country, not a nation. Country of Eni people.
It's quite likely that the Teucr (or, as we already know, just Ucr) Aeneos has something to do with the land of Eneti. It was located in Paphlagonia and took part in Troyan war against Greeks jointly with Trojans-The-Ucrians.
Now we have to try to understand the expression 'eniani kaba' (ენიანი კაბა, 'Enian dress') in Margalitadze's dictionary. Since 'ena' means 'tongue' (and hence, uvula, reed, lug and similar tongue-associated object), it may be a technical desciption of the dress, which is defined in the dictionary as 'dress with festoons, with turned-over sleeves'. How turned-over sleeves can be associated with tongue-like things, everyone can decide himself. Another 'eniani' thing in the same dictionary is 'eniani flute' (ენიანი სალამური) that translates as 'reed flute', where 'ena' surely stands for a tongue-like thing, which is the reed. But the situation with the dress may be different, if 'eni'-root refers to the nation that lived in Eneti.
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