Tuesday, February 4, 2014


These three so-called 'East-Slav tribes' are very likely to bear Kartvelian roots.

Drevliane are considered to be derived from 'drevo' (tree) for the fact that they allegedly lived in wood. But (1) there is no explication to the L-letter in the root, and (2) the only Russian word with the same DREVL-root (with L included) is 'izdrevle' ('from ancient times') which has nothing to do with trees and is derived from Svan word 'drev' meaning time. Hence, drevliane, or, in Kartvelian way, 'drevliani' (დრევლიანი) should be interpreted as 'ancient people'. Most likely, they are the latest visible representatives of Kartvelian language in Ancient Ukraine.

In their turn, Krivichi, a tribe that lived in Russian Smolensk region and that left its name in the words with which Latvians and Letgolians call Russians still today - krievi and krīvi - may well come from Kartvelian კრივი (krivi) meaning 'fist fight'. The Russian tradition of fist-fighting is known all over the world:

Finally, the tribe of Severiane, which has been being considered East-Slav too all the time, in fact is not likely to be it. It's likely to be Scythian-Avar people for the following equation: the first mention of Severiane is Σαύαροι who are indentified as Huns, who, in their turn, are indentified as Scythians, who, in their turn, are identified as Avars. So, Severiane = Avars, while Savari is Sa-Avari, a perfectly Kartvelian toponym meaning 'land of Avari'. To sum it up, Severiane is not a name of people, but of a country.

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