Friday, September 6, 2013


For the first time the toponym is mentioned by Herodotus as KELTOI [kelti]. Nothing prevents us from assuming that KELTI is a reduced form of KEL(E)TI, which in Kartvelian means 'land of keli'. In Kartvelian 'keli' means 'dung', turning KELETI into 'land of dung'. It does not seem as strange as it might, since recently a Svan expressed to me a hypothesis that the name of KOLCHI is derived from Svan word 'kol' meaning 'dung' too. To sum it up, the Ukrainian word 'kal' means the same thing as well.

Besides, recall the city of Kelat on the Van lake, which is a total Laz correspondence to Kartvelian 'keleti'.

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