Thursday, August 8, 2013


"... the Laz people are not like Turks, do not look like Turks. Caucasian faces, long noses and blue eyes, and the character is not quite Turkish either...".

It´s worth mentioning that azure/azur/azzurro meaning shade of blue in European languages (Spanish azul itself obviously has the same root) in Slav languages has the starting l-: лазурный (lazurny). Furthermore, on the following link the Poles interprete lazur as the French azur in combination with the definite article le -  l'azur:

Hence we have a reason to conclude that initially azur-words had l as the part of the root: Lazur. Note that the word also has the typical Kartvelian -ur suffix which is used to form adjectives. So, Lazuri = Laz(ish), reflecting the blueness of eyes as the typical feature of Laz appearance.

Thus, the famous French resort Côte d'Azur is likely to bear the root 'Laz' as well wth the initial L misinterpreted as the definite article and thus, omitted.

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