Thursday, August 8, 2013


By the moment of Seljuk invasion Anatolia's population must have been around 10 million.

If Seljuk migration numbered in hundreds thousand (which is likely), then it's 1 to 10% of the overall Anatolian population. The mongoloid Turks couldn't assimilate Anatolian people physically. Vice versa, they should have dissolved themselves.

Also, Seljuks didn't spread over Anatolia evenly. They concentrated around their capital in Phrygian Konya. That diminishes the percentage of Seljuk (Turk) blood in coastal states' population even more.

So, we have a right to assume that Turkish people that do not possess Turk physiognomistic features keep looking the way they did prior to Seljuk invasion.

Assuming, that most Anatolian states spoke languages of the Kartvelian family, we have a right to assume that most modern Turkish people (with no Turk features) look the way the pre-IE Kartvelian speakers did.

The only Anatolian nation to have preserved that national identity despite all the invasions are the Laz (Chalybes).

This is a selection of such Non-Turk faces of Turkish celebrities (press to enlarge):

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