Tuesday, April 1, 2014


There are many intents to decipher this historical name, but in general people agree that it has no reliable etymology.

Not anymore.

In Kartvelian 'ali' (ალი) means 'flame'. The Russian 'алый' ('scarlet') is a clear derivation from there. If you throw in a wide-spread Kartvelian (and further, Indoeuropean) -AN-suffix, you'll end up having... ALAN, which would means 'flamy'.

Why would Alans be called 'flamy'?

For the colour of their hair. According to Marcellinus, with rare exception they all had almost yellow hair.

Besides, Alans are cosidered to be the same people that also bore names of Jasz and As(ir). While Asir is the tribe of Odin on the Don river, from where he moved to nowaday Sweden.

So, Alans were Swedes, and we established it through Georgian language.

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