Saturday, January 18, 2014


In Democratic Republic of Congo (ex-Zaire) there lives a Luba tribe that speaks two Bantu languages - Luba-Kasai and Luba-Katanga:

It's likely to have to do a lot with the Kartvelian Lub-nation since many Congolese (more specific, Luban) toponyms find themselves in existing Georgian surnames:

Lomami --> Lomamidze
Kasai --> Kasaidze
Kangela --> Kangeladze
Kamina --> Kaminashvili, (2)
Lulua --> Luluashvili (there are more)
Demba --> Dembashvili
Pangi --> Pangishvili
Moba --> Mobadze
Ituri --> Ituridze
Bumba --> Bumbadze

There are no reasons to be surprised. First, the ancient Africa used to be called LYBIA. And second, the languages of 'Niger-Congo' macrofamily have always been in direct contact with Nile-Saharan group, the parts of which are Ancient Egypt with its many kartvelisms, beginning with the name of the country, as well as Kartvelian Ancient Sudan with Sacolcha and many other wonderful things.

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